Dr Nick Gordon


Dr Nick Gordon holds a PhD and University Medal in history from The University of Sydney, where he studied history and ancient history, specialising in medieval and early modern Europe. He has 10 years’ experience as a university lecturer, on topics ranging from classical political thought, to the history and culture of Renaissance Italy, architectural history and the history of philosophy.

Nick has taught over 50 popular adult education courses, at institutions including the Centre for Continuing Education and the WEA in Sydney. He is a regular lecturer in general audience lecture programs, including at the Nicholson Museum, Sydney and Hazelhurst Regional Art Gallery, and a National lecturer for the Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Societies. Nick also has more than 10 years’ experience leading small group cultural tours in Europe and Australia for Academy Travel, during which he teaches the art, history and cultures of the region to the people visiting them.

In addition, Nick is an artist. His artist’s eye and detailed knowledge of art and its conservation complement his academic expertise.



2004-2009: Doctor of Philosophy, Department of History, University of Sydney
2000-2003: Bachelor of Arts (Hons I and the University Medal), Department of History, University of Sydney

2021 - Duo Show - Gaffa Gallery, Sydney (1 - 12 April)
2019 –  Fleming and Gordon (illustrator), Abdul and the Cauliflower, Best Independent
2017 – In House, Group show - Scratch Artspace, Marrickville
2016 – Cassis Belli Duo show - Scratch Artspace, Marrickville

 Lecturing and criticism

2020: “A Single Voice” (interview with Susan Philipsz), Limelight Magazine
2020: Visual art reviews for Limelight Magazine supported by the Judith Neilson Institute for Ideas in Journalism
2020–present: National Lecturer for the Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Association
2020–present: Art and history lectures for The Short Course
2017–present: art history lectures at Hazelhurst Regional Gallery
2016–present: art history lectures at the WEA, Sydney
2014–present: art history lectures at The Nicholson Museum, University of Sydney
2012-2016: art and history lectures at the Centre for Continuing Education, Sydney
2009-2014: Lecturer in history, University of Western Sydney
2004-2009: Associate lecturer in history, University of Sydney